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Feature Tiers

Application Tier

What does the application do?...
  • Automatic calculation of test items based on specified configuration file scene stimuli, method, and conditions.
  • Includes 5 evaluation methods (MUSHRA, MS, ACR, EBA, and PC), and 2 questionnaires (SSQ, NASA-TLX).
  • Random of fixed item ordering.
  • Mono or multichannel audio files to support either object-based or Ambisonic rendering pipelines.
  • Can be used with 360 degree video or CGI visual content.
  • Integrate custom questionnaires.
  • Include VSTs capable of 3-DoF or 6-DoF audio rendering.
  • Integrate custom methods.
  • Tracks user pose and user interface interactions by default, but can be extended to track or flag anything you like in Unity

Presentation Tier

How do you interact and interface with the application?...


  • QExE Host (MaxMSP) with simple disign for overview of test, test progression, real-time user position data monitoring, and method and questionnaire modules overview.
  • Easily open the loaded audio rendering VST and channel-object routing options.
  • Virtual reality user interfaces for all methods and questionnaires with virtual laser pointed which can be toggled on/off.
  • Compatible with VR hardware using OpenXR or Oculus SDKs.
  • Custom Unity console messaging for easier debugging.
  • Custom Unity widgets for easier in-scene identification.
  • Custom color schemes can be applied to VR user interfaces.
  • Custom VR user interfaces can be made using UI components.

Data Tier

What are the data formats and data management features?...
  • Test setup is managed via a single JSON file, the config File.
  • Communication between host and client is done via UDP using OSC messaging protocol.
  • Results from method and questionnaire saved as JSON file structure.
  • Real-time behavioral and object data saved into a .txt file. Includes any data the is sent to the UDP port.
  • Subject ID is automatically appended to results folder, including date and time for easy data management.
  • Provided sample R scripts for analysis for QExE output.