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To gain more insight into other factors besides the main quality evaluation criteria, questionnaires can be employed to explore additional effects pertaining to more attitundal or cognitive aspects. This is an optional extra that can be included on top of the mandatory test method.

The QExE tool comes with two questionnaires that have been previously employed during the development of the tool and lab research.

  • NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX)
  • Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ)
Future Support

More questionnaires will be added in future updates. In you interested in contributing, please see our call for contribution statement.

Options are provided in the configuration file to integrate the questionnaire into your test design: questionnaireType, and questionnaireIntegration.

  • Type entries are the name of the desired questionnaire.
  • Integration entries are either Lace, End, or None.
"questionnaireType" : "NASA-TLX",
// one of the following ..
"questionnaireIntegration" : "Lace", // <- Inserts questinonaire between each scene.
"questionnaireIntegration" : "End", // <- Inserts questinonaire at end of test.
"questionnaireIntegration" : "None", // <- Ignores questionnaire settings.

questionnaireType :


NASA Task Load Index

The NASA-Task Load Index Questionnaire is used to evalulate the amount of load a task demands of the user. Each of the dimensions have a 21-point scale from Low to High, or for "Performance", perfect to failure.

Each dimension is defined below:

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Mental DemandHow much mental and perceptual activity was required (e.g., thinking, deciding, calculating, remembering, etc.)?
Physical DemandHow much physical activity was required (e.g., pushing, pullingm turning, controlling, activating, etc.)?
Temporal DemandHow much time pressure did you feel due to the rate or pace at which the tasks or task elements occured?
PerformanceHow successful do you think you were in accomplishing the goals of the tasks set by the experiments?
EffortHow hard did you have to work (mentally and physically) to accomplish your level of performance?
Frustration LevelHow insecure, discourages, irritated, stressed, and annoyed vs. secure, gratified, content, and relaxed did you feel during the task?


Similator Sickness Questionnire

The simulator sickness questionnaire has been adopted in many research experiments to quantify the effects of virtual reality systems on user sickness. The 16 sub-dimesions within the questionnaire contiribute to three main categories: nausea, oculormotor disturbance, and disorientation.

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