
Keßlerpl. 12, 90489 Nürnberg @ Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg-Simon-Ohm
🚩 GeoTag: 49.45254733966611, 11.093259620870267
- Skateboarding01
- Skateboarding03
- Skateboarding04
- Skateboarding05
Scene version: Silence at the beginning. Skateboarder rides from right-to-left and back again.
Preview Skateboarding01 on YouTube with FAO audio and 8K video.
Duration: 60 seconds
- 4OA Audio Skateboarding01_A_ambiX4_24bit.wav
- 8K Video: Skateboarding01_V_7680x3840_60fps_60s.mkv
- YouTube: Skateboarding01_AV_7680x3840_60fps_60s_25Mbps_ambiX1_24bit.mp4
Spatial / Temporal Indexing
- Left: SI x TI matrix, Right: SI and TI data over time.

Scene version: Similar to Skateboarding01 but includes music.
Preview Skateboarding03 on YouTube with FAO audio and 8K video.
Duration: 60 seconds
- 4OA Audio Skateboarding03_A_ambiX4_24bit.wav
- 8K Video: Skateboarding03_V_7680x3840_60fps_60s.mkv
- YouTube: Skateboarding03_AV_7680x3840_60fps_60s_25Mbps_ambiX1_24bit.mp4
Spatial / Temporal Indexing
- Left: SI x TI matrix, Right: SI and TI data over time.

Scene version: Silence at the beginning, skateboarder enters and circles the camera with full 360° movements.
Preview Skateboarding04 on YouTube with FAO audio and 8K video.
Duration: 60 seconds
- 4OA Audio Skateboarding04_A_ambiX4_24bit.wav
- 8K Video: Skateboarding04_V_7680x3840_60fps_60s.mkv
- YouTube: Skateboarding04_AV_7680x3840_60fps_60s_25Mbps_ambiX1_24bit.mp4
Spatial / Temporal Indexing
- Left: SI x TI matrix, Right: SI and TI data over time.

Scene version: Similar to Skateboarding04 but includes music.
Preview Skateboarding05 on YouTube with FAO audio and 8K video.
Duration: 63 seconds
- 4OA Audio Skateboarding05_A_ambiX4_24bit.wav
- 8K Video: Skateboarding05_V_7680x3840_60fps_63s.mkv
- YouTube: Skateboarding05_AV_7680x3840_60fps_63s_25Mbps_ambiX1_24bit.mp4
Spatial / Temporal Indexing
- Left: SI x TI matrix, Right: SI and TI data over time.

ℹ️ Naming Conventions
4OA Audio: SceneName+Version
> A (audio)
> AmbisonicsFormat+Order
> Bit-depth
8K Video: SceneName+Version
> V (video)
> Resolution
> Frames-per-second
> Duration
YouTube: SceneName+Version
> AV (audiovideo)
> Resolution
> Frames-per-second
> Duration
> AmbisonicsFormat+Order
> Bit-depth