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Data Description

Saliency data is captured for the scene using the following audio scenarios:

  • No audio: No audio (or headphones) are provided to the subjects.
  • Mono audio: Mono audio is present to subject over headphone. Mono audio is derrived from the first channel of the ambisonics audio file.
  • 4OA audio: 4th-order Ambisonics is presented to subjects over headphones and head tracked (rotated) in real-time.

No audio

Mono audio

4OA audio


Scene Saliency Data Downloads

Senario Specific Saliency Downloads

Scenario description: The video was viewed on the Valve Index without any audio playing.

Download the Headrotation Data

Scene Verbalization Data

ℹ️ Naming Conventions

4OA Audio: SceneName+Version > A (audio) > AmbisonicsFormat+Order > Bit-depth

8K Video: SceneName+Version > V (video) > Resolution > Frames-per-second > Duration

YouTube: SceneName+Version > AV (audiovideo) > Resolution > Frames-per-second > Duration > AmbisonicsFormat+Order > Bit-depth